Malnutrition free India: Worm’s eye view

Authors: Purbey, A., Tomar, M. S., & Agnihotri, S. B. (2018)

Presented at: International Health Congress, 28th – 30th June, 2018, Oxford

Link for the article:’s_eye_view

Short Brief:

High levels of maternal and child undernutrition in India have persisted, despite constitutional provisions, legislative policies and plans. This study, based on personal observations and information collected from three different tribal settings in India, examines the ground realities highlighting the need to focus on district action plans. It further suggest the need to go down to block and village level to address issues that don’t get highlighted from a national or state level perspective. What has been envisaged in the nutrition policy and programme at the macro level can be different from the actual practices in the field. The study brings out that reality. 

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