May 2020 – Present
PoshanCOVID19 is an initiative of the Centre of Excellence at the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay supported by UNICEF India, IFPRI, WFP and UN India. The website provides at one place, all resources on child nutrition and maternal health and related topics in the context of COVID-19.
Resources page is an online repository of various government circulars, national and international guidelines, and technical documents, on program implementation during the Pandemic. The resources are categorized into topics and subtopics and can be accessed through the search function.

Monitoring page tracks the interactions between COVID-19 and nutrition at the State level on a monthly basis in 17 States. It includes developments at the state level and data compiled by various development partners to showcase the status of continuity of key maternal health and child nutrition-related services post COVID. The page lists state-wise information from surveys, rapid assessments, journals, media, state and district level reports among others.

The site regularly updates a state policy matrix that presents the status of essential services across life cycle for all states/UTs.
Please visit the initiative at