September 2020- Present
NutritionINDIA initiative is part of POSHAN Abhiyaan, GOI flagship programme supported by CTARA -IITB, UNICEF(IFPRI and other stakeholders).
The dashboard is a one-stop solution with all the resources and tools that help in the analysis of various data sources such as NFHS , RSOC, CNNS etc. for different life cycles such as adolescence, women of reproductive age, pregnancy, delivery/PNC, early childhood, school aged. Each life cycle is further categorised into Manifestation, Intervention and determinants. Manifestation includes indicators related to undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight/obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Interventions include essential public health and nutrition interventions are services to ensure the health and wellbeing of the population. Determinants include food, health, caring practices, social safety nets, hygiene/sanitation and women’s empowerment.
The dashboard is derived from UNICEF’s conceptual framework on the determinants of maternal and child nutrition .
Dashboard maps indicators across different surveys and provides an interactive interface with enhanced/granular access to nutrition indicators with colour coded maps, time series graphs and tables at national, state and district level.
Visit the initiative at