PB No. 5 District level analysis of NFHS-4 and NFHS-5 data for Andhra Pradesh

NFHS – 4 provides, for the first time a district level data on nutritional status of children below the age of 5 years. This provides an excellent and timely opportunity to plan for eradication of child malnutrition at the district level. A quick preliminary analysis of the district level child malnutrition levels, reveals certain important aspects. This is presented below.

Framework for enhancing maternal nutrition: addressing under nutrition in tribal children inhabiting Central India

Authors: Suveena Doddalingannavar, Ayushi Jain and Satish B. Agnihotri Abstarct: Our world is transitioning into a new generation of governance with much greater emphasis on targeted actions and mission mode programmes to achieve global sustainable goals (SDG). India with its Twenty-point programme which directly maps national and state programmes to global Read More …